Crystal Tones® call the rebirth bowls ‘Morphs’, which can get a little lost in translation however, they are rather special Alchemies. The rebirth/morph bowls haven’t withstood their initial incarnation and broke in the creation process. They have then been lovingly healed and rebirth in a process that can take two creators several hours. In the recreation process, all the minerals and metals disintegrate in the heat, so these are added once again. The process can take multiple firings, and much time, depending on the complexity of the wound and the blend. The rebirth bowls are rather sought after.

A similar expression of this process can be found within Kintsugi. Kintsugi means ‘to join with gold’. It is the Japanese art of putting broken ceramics and pottery pieces back together with gold.  Kintsugi is built on the idea that you can create a stronger, more beautiful, unique piece of art by embracing flaws and imperfections. Metaphorically, our scars, hurts, and imperfections create a stronger, more resilient, unique being. By embracing, accepting and admiring our flaws, we learn to truly appreciate the beauty of the world and people around us. It is a perfect material manifestation of Wabi-Sabi philosophy. No one is like the other. There is no such thing as perfection. And everything is temporary.